A gap of 6 months does not make my “Studio Musings” very consistent (Although it is consistent in its absence!)
In the New Year I was very disillusioned with social media generally, in January, if I had my way, we would have gone back to the quill pen plus coach and four. Yes I had the January blues.
However reflecting back over my textile life – I have to concede that although the world of the internet and information and technology can be overwhelming and fast moving for an artist there are tremendous advantages. Courses and tuition which you can do in your dressing gown, a support network for virtual hugs and the answers to any question you may pose.
In February I found Jayne Emerson, she runs a membership group “No Rules Textile Society” and in February posted a hashtag challenge on Instagram;- Fabric Recipes.
It was fun! I had fun! I was delighted to discover new-to-me interesting and talented textile artists. it was also good to go through past work to find images that fit the brief for a particular day. Looking through past work I remembered how much I enjoyed creating and how I always meant to develop certain ideas. Looking back at past work felt a bit like rediscovering my own art, my own voice
So that I don’t dive down too many rabbit holes on the internet, Monday has turned into my day for sorting out my Website and general online “stuff” – so hopefully with just a little bit of effort I can become more active here and let you know what is going on.
Then … who knows “Could do better” may turn into “Well Done”
4 responses
Yes, lots of wise thoughts here. Anyway, it’s quality not quantity surely! 😉 Love the return to your past works to find clues in what the future holds for your creativity…
Thank you Helen and how lovely to see you here. I think it does help sometimes to circle back to past work and find new threads and adventures.
It’s a very fine line with social media, isn’t it? I try to use it only so much as it brings me inspiration and then turn it off and create something ????. From what I saw, your past work was beautiful!
Thank you Paula, and yes I think it is a fine line with social media …. I enjoy all the artists I interact with, and I enjoy friends comments and thoughts, but gosh there can be time consuming rabbit holes to get lost in!